Teaching Piano-Based Music Classes + Giving Private Beginner & Intermediate Piano Lessons in the small town of Panaca, Nevada, using KiddyKeys, WunderKeys, & Alfred’s Basic Piano Library.
For Preschool and Kindergarten-aged children who have shown an interest in music and the piano. This group class involves improvisation on the keyboard, music theory, and composition in a way that is specifically design for young children. Classes are 45 minutes long, once a week, and have between 6 and 8 students per class. Fall & Springs Sessions are typically 12 weeks long.
For Students between the ages of 6 and 10 years old. 30-minute, one-on-one piano lessons using the WunderKeys Primer Method. WunderKeys is “jam-packed with age-appropriate piano pieces, off-the-bench activities, and game-based learning”, making it the perfect method for your young learner!
For Students beginning Piano Lessons who are 11 and older. 30 Minute, One-on-One Piano Lessons each week using Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Method. Students will typically begin in Complete Level 1.
Piano Teacher
From a very young age, I remember being drawn to the piano. My mom plays and even my dad can play a few hymnals (though, he probably won’t admit to it). I have lots of memories of standing around the piano with my little sister, singing with our mom. I knew during those times that I wanted to play the piano just as well as her. When I was 5, I began taking lessons from my mom using Alfred’s Basic Piano Library. As I progressed through the books, I found that what I really wanted to specialize in was accompanying. By age 10, I stopped progressing through the books and started to choose my own songs to learn. I practiced many children’s songs, hymnals, and piano accompaniments. By the time I entered Middle School, I was playing the piano for choir during regular class days, and my mom would accompany us during performances so that I could sing. When I became a freshman in High School, my music teacher asked me to be the Show Choir pianist. The next 4 years of my life would be the years of the most growth, musically, for me. In addition to Show Choir, I began playing the Organ in church, accompanying entire school musicals, and other local groups often asked me to accompany their shows during those years. Music was my life in High School. Though my college days involved less music, my parents brought one of their 3 pianos to my grandma’s home in Las Vegas where I resided while I attended Paul Mitchell. It gave me a chance to play the piano whenever I pleased and was a time for much growth within my playing and singing at the piano. I sang and played for some weddings, and accompanied choirs during my time living there. Fast forward nearly a decade later and though I’ve continued to play the piano, 3 kids has made my time to play few and far between. I’ve considered teaching piano for several years and it finally lined up just right. I’m looking forward to working with students and sharing my love for music with them. Welcome to Panaca Piano Lessons!
—— Calista Anderson